How Do You Define Abundance and Prosperity?

What does it mean to live life abundantly?

What is abundance? Prosperity?

Is living life abundantly a worthy aspiration? Is it possible?

How we answer these questions is important.

The meaning we assign informs the measuring we apply: Desires. Decisions. Plans. Goals. The choices we make every day are revealing.

Where do I invest my time, talent and treasure? How do I hear and respond to my life’s calling? Why am I here at this time and place?

Jesus was clear about his calling and life purpose. He said the mission given him was to announce good news to the poor, proclaim release to those enslaved and recovering of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed and declare the acceptable year of the Lord.

His life’s mission was summarized well when he said: “I came so that people may have life and have it abundantly.”

What does it mean for you to have life abundantly?

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